Thursday 6 August 2015


Do I Need to Update My Entire Plan?
Most likely, no. It depends on what trigger situations you are addressing. Almost all businesses should update the strategies and tactics in the marketing section to meet constantly changing market realities.

For example, which of your actions/activities worked well and should be continued, and which should not? If everything is working, then you are not experimenting enough! Not everything will work as planned and you can only grow from the lessons learned.

If updating your plan fills you with dread, don’t worry.

Creating your first business plan may have been a hard task, but updating a plan is easier and more fun. During your start-up, you likely had little direct experience and no track record or historical information, so many of the marketing and operational forecasts were educated guesses. Now you have some experience and a track record, and you have experimented and know what works and what doesn’t. Plus, you have already existing information to use as a foundation.

Situations That May Trigger a Plan Update
Business plans are living documents and need to be revisited every so often to ensure they are still relevant. In this way you can continue to use and benefit from the strategies and tactics.

Further, business plans are forward-looking, so they are based on estimates, which means updates are often necessary. Following are some specific situations that may be cause for you to look at updating your plan.

1. Competitors have reacted to your market entry by reducing prices for similar products, extending business hours, liberalizing their return policy, providing free shipping, etc.

You must decide whether to match their tactics or stick to your plan. In either case, your revenues will be lower, so you will need to plan a course of action. These situations may affect your plan’s marketing, products & services and operations sections with a resultant impact on the financial section.

2. A competitor has copied your product or service.

Do you have intellectual property protection (patents, copyrights), and is it economically feasible to go after the perpetrators? If yes, there will be legal expenses, and revenues may decline with the increased competition.

3. The economy has changed (inflation, recession, unemployment rates), impacting potential customers’ ability to buy your product or service.

This will negatively impact your revenues, and depending on your staffing, adjustments may be needed there as well.

4. You land a major new customer, or an existing customer cancels a big contract.

The first is good news and might require more resources than originally planned, but the latter is not good at all and will require you to come up with a fresh approach.

5. A major vendor has cut you off or changed their terms and conditions.

For example, they previously allowed a 30-day grace period but now require cash in advance. If you are cut off, you must scramble to find a replacement. Maybe you stop buying from a vendor due to quality and dependability issues, or your business has outgrown a vendor’s limited services.

6. Regulatory changes impact your business.

One potential change in many states is the imposition of sales tax on all internet sales. The possible result? Online sellers and brick and mortar stores with the same prices — and no competitive edge.

7. You lose a key staff member, which affects productivity.

Reduced resources means either your business must reduce its size or you need to find alternatives.

8. You are ready to take your business to the next level.

Obtaining growth funds from a bank  requires a more sophisticated plan. Even if you do not need additional funding, a business plan based on an estimated RM1,000 business might not be adequate to support a RM800,000 one, which may need additional employees, for example.

Whether one of the previous reasons dictates an update or not, make it a practice to review your business plan at least once a year and plot your activities for the coming year. Do this as part of your annual planning and budgeting process at the end of your fiscal year. If you previously had your forecast in a full year increment, this time do it quarterly, and next year monthly.

Who Should Update Your Company’s Business Plan?
You probably prepared the original business plan yourself, since you were likely the only employee. If you have now grown and added staff, try to involve them so there is buy-in. That way, when it is time to implement the plan, your staff will be on-board and the activities will go smoother.

Don’t Have a Plan to Update?
It is never too late. Visit for information about The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan: A Pro Shares a Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Plan That Gets Results.

Key Lessons
External and internal events can trigger the need to update your business plan.
Business plans should be reviewed and possibly updated at least once a year, especially for younger companies.
Updating your business plan is more focused and fun than the writing the original one.
Involve staff in the updating process.
It is never too late to create a business plan.
Next Steps
Determine if any of the triggering events have occurred in your business
Schedule an update of your plan by the end of the year.


Monitoring your business is a great way to ensure maximum productivity and profit. It doesn't matter whether you are a sole trader or have a team of employees, everyone needs to use their time and skills efficiently to maximise impact. Productivity is determined by many different factors which can include having the right procedures in place, prioritising workload and keeping yourself and any employees motivated.

A strategy is essential for any business. However, before you strategise, spend time analysing all your processes, what activities you carry out, why you carry them out, what the outcomes are and how you manage them. You can't map out your strategy until this exercise has been done. By having clear goals in place you can see what you are working towards. But remember: don't make the mistake of only planning for the here and now – if you are going to streamline your processes, you need to understand your long term objectives to make your business last.
Having a defined strategy is like setting yourself targets. These targets should be measurable by both personal and business growth. It could be something as simple as sales targets or making new business contacts. Achieving these targets can also really help motivate you and any team members.

Spend time looking at your daily activities: what are your time drains? If you take a step back and analyse how you use your time, I guarantee you will be amazed at how much time you waste. The key to good time management is discipline. An inventory of the working day should look at how much time is spent on meetings and tasks that don’t actually benefit the business. Be honest with yourself about the value of any meetings and what you aim to achieve from them. Meetings can easily become habit and end up being discussions with no discernible aim.Staff costs are always the biggest outgoing for small businesses, so it is vital you get the best out of your employees. There are many ways to keep your team motivated and productive. Many managers forget to simply say thank you and well done to their team. Feeling valued is essential for an employee’s motivation. Make sure your staff understand their roles and how they fit into the organisation, ensure they are being given the right guidance and training when it comes to doing their job. You cannot expect people to excel at their jobs if you don’t give them the right tools in the first place. Make sure you keep track of the work they are doing. It always strikes me as odd when companies fail to monitor their staff’s performance properly; you wouldn't run a car without checking its brakes and oil at regular intervals and a business should be no different.

It’s not only your team’s performance you need monitor but your own; after all no-one else is going to do it for you. I regularly take time out to look at my personal performance and question whether there are things to improve on or do differently. It can also be useful to get an outside perspective; when you are so involved in your business it can sometimes cloud your judgement, a fresh set of eyes can really help you see where improvements can be made. If you are too close to a situation it can become easy to miss the obvious.

No matter the size of the organisation, it is vital to continually look at performance and productivity. It’s simple. If you're not being as productive as you could be, you're losing money. By setting targets and goals and regularly reviewing performance you will help keep things fresh, maintain motivation and push your business forward.


It’s clearly in the best interests of a business to boost its online ratings. Good reviews and top ratings draw in customers, and also help businesses land higher results in online searches. Just imagine that a disgruntled customer posts a wicked comments about your products and services on Google+ or a review site you haven’t focused on – and one on which you have very few reviews.

 That single negative comment now shows up at the top of the search rankings for your business name, and gives your business an overall rating of 1 star out of 5. A bad rating can lead your business on a bad standing. Had you taken steps to encourage reviews, a single negative review wouldn’t have jeopardized the online reputation of your brand. But as it stands, you're now left scurrying to encourage positive reviews to dilute the impact of that single negative one.
For smaller businesses, In a competitive market, you would need that mighty motivations, aggressiveness and business tactics to make your brands and products known to the world. You can't do it alone because you are not a ...Jack of all trades, you need to implore other informative outreach approaches to expand and propagate your business to grow wide beyond borders. a large numbers of producers compete with each other to satisfy the wants and needs of a large number of consumers, so make hay while the sun still shines.
 Never lose focus on the law of diminishing returns, about being innovative, delivering superior customer satisfaction, hitting optimal targets for increasing revenues, lowering costs, and raising margins. Why do you think your business’s revenues are declining by 11% a year, losing share, while  the cost base is 30% too high, your products are old, and customer satisfaction is falling. You claimed to be innovative, but new-product development is a mirage.
     So where to begin? It is REVIEW! ...Review your product brands, review your business structures and functions, review your marketing strategies, review to improve your costs, revenues, services and margins, review your product development, enhancements, and support of high-quality products to your customers in a cost-effective manner. Make reviews on how your business is going to aggressively maximize in this current market of eroded competitive innuendos. Call a spade a spade and review the workers around you.

 Be more proactive when it comes to online reputation management.  Customer service is one of the key to halting this decline, how genuinely guaranteed and satisfactory is your products compared to others out there.

 Do the best possible to make some honest, dedicated reviews of your products, because when you cheat reviews to promote your goods and services someone out there is gonna be pissed off and come back to your site and make some nasty comments so if your business is to compete on service, it needs to come up with the New and genuine products to enable it to do so. You must be careful in the methods you used to rate targets because if you always make unfulfilled targets, you're just on the track to failures. Identify the critical products, accelerate development of those products, create enhancements to existing products faster and provide more-responsive product support and don't forget to reduce costs.So Let's start to review our course for a new results.